Does being an Introvert affect the digital nomad life?

25 July 2022

When we think about the life of a digital nomad, we imagine a lot of adventures, meeting new people in each town we visit and overall being out of our comfort zones. That is one of the realities yes but have you wondered how this life looks for an introverted person?

Keep reading to find out more about getting out of your comfort zone!

First off, what kind of person is considered an introvert? Well, there is a common misconception that an introvert suffers from social anxiety and is really shy. This is not true. The difference between extroverts and introverts is that extroverts gain energy from interactions with many people all the time, and introverts are the opposite. When they are in huge crowds for a longer period, they need some time alone to recharge.

This does not mean they don’t like other people or going out, it means they can’t be around too many people all the time.


Working as an Introverted Nomad

We have some great news for introverts–the remote work. They don’t have to go to offices, crowded commute times, and most have a few Zoom meetings here and there, depending on your line of work.

Another perk is scheduling your own time. As most digital nomads are freelancers, they can implement routines that help them energize. But a stressful aspect of freelancing can be the constant look for new clients and projects to work on.

We at WorkNomads have figured out a solution to this situation. We offer project- based work to digital nomads by outsourcing. More information on current open positions can be found here.


Travelling as an Introverted Nomad

This part may seem a bit more difficult for some introverts, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from travelling and gaining more and more experience.

Introverts’ experience of travelling might look different from others. Despite that, let’s not forget that digital nomads take their time when visiting a new country and usually stay a few weeks or months. This gives everyone plenty of time to adjust to the place they are staying at and not to rush from one sightseeing tour to another.

Another tip we can give to have it easier on the road if you are an introvert is to book your own private space. This way, after all the socializing done during the day, you can go back and recharge on your own at night.

We talk a lot about what to do when you want to spend time alone, but everyone craves some sort of interaction with others from time to time. To this, we can offer coworking spaces as a solution!

There are a lot of like-minded people whom you can find or take part in interesting events organised in the space.

If you ever find yourself in Sofia and are looking for designated spaces to meet like-minded people and overcome some of your shyness, WorkNomads LAB is the place to be. We offer coliving and coworking spaces, as well as many events to become a part

Travelling as an Introverted Nomad

This part may seem a bit more difficult for some introverts, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from travelling and gaining more and more experience.

Introverts’ experience of travelling might look different from others. Despite that, let’s not forget that digital nomads take their time when visiting a new country and usually stay a few weeks or months. This gives everyone plenty of time to adjust to the place they are staying at and not to rush from one sightseeing tour to another.

Another tip we can give to have it easier on the road if you are an introvert is to book your own private space. This way, after all the socializing done during the day, you can go back and recharge on your own at night.

We talk a lot about what to do when you want to spend time alone, but everyone craves some sort of interaction with others from time to time. To this, we can offer coworking spaces as a solution!

There are a lot of like-minded people whom you can find or take part in interesting events organised in the space.

If you ever find yourself in Sofia and are looking for designated spaces to meet like-minded people and overcome some of your shyness, WorkNomads LAB is the place to be. We offer coliving and coworking spaces, as well as many events to become a part of!

 Comment below your ways to get out of your comfort zone!

5 tips for travelling solo

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6 July 2022


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1 Comment

  1. stan

    Best way to go out of your comfort zone is – if you feel anxious about it just do it and don’t think about it. Only rule would probably be – if it’s endangering you in a way well be cautious… lol. But yeah definitely recharge your batteries I’m never forcing myself out too much. Also be prepared for disappointment. We the introverts are too vulnerable from disappointment. Or it’s only me I dunno.


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